Our students will soon be installing a Water Supply system and a Drain- Waste-Vent (DWV) system (aka plumbing) in each of our cottages. The word plumbing comes from the Latin word for lead, plumbum, because the Romans used lead pipes to distribute water (before we knew that lead was toxic!). King Minos of Crete had the first flushing toilet over 2,800 years ago, but we weren’t aware of the importance of DWV systems until doctors made the connection between the filth of open sewers and the spread of plague. Ever since, plumbers have been making our lives more comfortable while saving lives. One of these plumbing heroes is Rick Hoehn. Rick was a plumbing contractor for 40 years. He came off of the retirement bench to scope out our plumbing job, identify the materials we need, and to instruct our students in the art and science of plumbing. Thanks Rick!

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